All Warren Family Lines originated with a family of Norman Knights.
The de Warenne surname derives from the castle of that name on the River Varenne which flows through territory that William acquired in Upper Normandy. Ruins of this old 11th Century castle are found today near Bellencombre, Seine-Maritime. This family is believed to be descendants of Scandinavian Vikings.
Earldom of Surrey was first created in 1088 for William de Warenne, as a reward for loyal service to William during the Conquest. He received the lordship of Reigate Castle in Surrey, but also had holdings in twelve other counties. Perhaps because he held little property in Surrey, the earldom came to be more commonly called of Warenne. It was held by William de Warenne's son and grandson, both also named William, and then by the husbands of Isabella, daughter of the third William de Warenne.
Warenne Family Ancestry
This history assumes that all Warren Family Lines originated with a family of Norman Knights that resided in an ancient castle on the River Warenne in France and that played a very critical role in assisting William of Normandy with his famous conquest of England for which they were handsomely rewarded. These early Warennes had also intermarried with the highest of French and English aristocracy that provided a ancient bloodline to King Charlemagne.
Vikings & Norman Knights (790-1066).
The Family of Warenne originated from Normandy France. The de Warenne surname derives from the castle of that name on the River Varenne which flows through territory that William acquired in Upper Normandy. Ruins of this old 11th Century castle are found today near Bellencombre, Seine-Maritime. This family is believed to be descendants of Scandinavian Vikings.
The period from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman conquest of England in 1066 is commonly known as the Viking Age of Scandinavian history. Vikings used the Norwegian Sea and Baltic Sea for sea routes to the south. The Normans were descended from Danish and Norwegian Vikings who were given feudal overlordship of areas in northern France, the Duchy of Normandy, in the 10th century. In that respect, descendants of the Vikings continued to have an influence in northern Europe. Likewise, King Harold Godwinson, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, had Danish ancestors.
Ranulf I de Warenne (998-1058), is the earliest documented patriarch of the Warren Family. He was a Norman Knight - lived at Castle de Warenne in France. He had two sons; Rodulf, father of the Warenne Family, and Roger of Mortimer, father of the Mortimer Family.
Roger received the Mortimer surname for conquering another Norman castle of that name. The grandsons of Ranulf I would later become involved in a dispute over possession of the Mortimer castle, but later reconciled in time to both join William in his conquest of England.
During this time the authority of the French king was very weak, and Normandy saw much intrigue and violence amongst the various landlords.
This political landscaped changed significantly in the year 1066. That was when many of the Norman knights aligned with a fellow named William who had become involved with a dispute with his childess cousin, Edward the Confessor, to inherit the English crown.
This argument climaxed into victory in September of that year when these Norman knights sailed in a large invasion force and did battle at Hastings with Harold Godwinson, who had been named the next king by Edward on the latter's deathbed in January 1066.
The winner of this contest, William the Conqueror, rewarded his fellow knights with vast tracts of English land. It appears that none were rewarded more handsomely than our William de Warenne, who would be titled the 1st Earl of Warenne. This reward indicates that he was a very high ranking lieutenant in the Norman army.
Earls of Warenne (1066-1304)
Lewes Castle - Ancestral Home of the Warenne Family.
William de Warenne, who crossed with William I. in 1066, was a distant cousin of the Conqueror, his grandmother having been the sister of Gunnora, wife of Richard I. of Normandy.
Genealogists have hotly disputed whether or not William de Warenne's wife Gundred, was the daughter of the Conqueror (as alluded to on her gravestone.) However more recent discoveries are leading us to believe that the gravestone description is a bit misleading and actually refers to a more distant family connection.
The Earldom of Surrey was first created in 1088 for William de Warenne, as a reward for loyal service to William during the Conquest. He received the lordship of Reigate Castle in Surrey, but also had holdings in twelve other counties. Perhaps because he held little property in Surrey, the earldom came to be more commonly called of Warenne. It was held by William de Warenne's son and grandson, both also named William, and then by the husbands of Isabella, daughter of the third William de Warenne.
Lewes Castle, the Early English ancestral home of the Warenne Family, stands at the highest point of Lewes, East Sussex, England on an artificial mound constructed with chalk blocks. It was originally called Bray Castle. It was the scene of many historic events in early English history. The first fortification on the site was a wooden keep, later converted to stone. It is unusual for a motte and bailey construction in that it has two mottes. It is one of only two such remaining in the country, the other being Lincoln. The Barbican is a particularly fine example of its type. Today this castle museum is open to visitors. Lewes Castle was built in 1069 by William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey. William de Warenne and his descendants also had estates and built castles in Reigate, Surrey (Reigate Castle) and in Yorkshire (Sandal Castle and Conisbrough Castle).
William and his wife also founded a nearby religious order, Lewes Priory. This place recorded much of the early Warenne family history and also became the burial place for early family members.
The Earls of Warenne were very active in English politics and battles of the time. William de Warenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey (1120-1148) even sailed to Paris to negotiate an English-French treaty and then later died fighting in the Crusades in Asia Minor.
Lewes Castle was the site of the Battle of Lewes in 1264. Here King Henry, supported by John, 7th Earl of Warenne lost the battle to rebel barons and was forced to sign the Mises of Lewes.
When the last of the Warennes John, the 7th Earl died without issue in 1347, he was buried in Lewes Priory. The earldom (of Surrey) then passed to John's nephew, Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel, although he did not assume the title until after the death of the previous earl's widow in 1351. It was also held by his son, who forfeited it upon his execution in 1397.
-For more information, see: Gundred Family Documents.
-See, the Warenne Chronicle, Oxford Medievel Text, 2013 by Elizabeth Van Houts and Rosalind Love.
See also the Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 1 - by Sir Sidney Lee, Sir E. T. Williams, C. S. Nicholls, Robert Blake, Helen M. Palmer, L. G. Wickham Legg, John Regina. pg 1367-68.
Warenne, Earls of Surrey and Sussex
- Ranulf I de Warenne (998-1058) x Castle Warenne, Norman France Castle Warenne,
- Norman France Norman Knight - lived at Castle de Warenne in France. He had two sons; Rodulf, father of the Warenne Family and Roger of Mortimer, father of the Mortimer Family.
- Rodulf II de Warenne (1030-1074) x Castle Warenne, Norman France Castle
- Norman Knight, William de Warenne (1045-1088) 1st Earl of Surrey married Matilda, daughter of William Conqueror Castle Warenne, Norman France. Trusted officer in the Norman army of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, received many great England landholdings for his service.
- William de Warenne (1080-1138) 2nd Earl of Surrey married Elizabeth de Vermandois. Granddaughter of Henry I, King of France (French Royal Line).
- William de Warenne (1120-1148) 3rd Earl of Surrey wife Lewes Castle, English Crusader knight that died on the 2nd Crusade in Asia Minor.
- Isabel de Warenne (1130-1202) 4th Countess of Surrey Hamelin Plantagenet descendant of Charlemagne (747-814) and early French Royal lineage dating back to the time of
- William de Warenne (1166-1240) 5th Earl of Surrey married Maud Marshal (1192-1248) Lewes Castle. Loyal supporter of King John of England in staving off revolts by the barons and encouraged him to sign the Magna Carta.
- John de Warenne (1231-1304) 6th Earl of Surrey married Alice de Lusignan (1224-1256) Lewes Castle. John was prominent during the reigns of Henry III and Edward I. During his long life he fought in the Second Barons' War and in Edward I's wars in Scotland. The king appointed Warenne captain of the campaign against the Scots in early 1298. He raised the siege of Roxburgh and re-took the castle at Berwick.
- William de Warenne (1256-1286) married Joane de Vere (about1261-) Lewes Castle. Died young at a jousting tournament accident.
- John de Warenne (1286-1347) 7th Earl of Surrey married Joan of Bar (1297-1361). Grandaughter of Edward I of England (1239-1307) (No Issue) Lewes Castle. Last Warenne Earl of Surrey, ally of Edward II of England (1284-1327).
Warrens of Nottinghamshire
- John de Warenne (1286-1347) 7th Earl of Surrey, See John de Warenne (1286-1347), married Joan of Bar (1297-1361) Lewes Castle, Last Warenne Earl of Surrey, ally of Edward II of England (1284-1327).
- Edward de Warenne (1320-1369) married Cicely de Eaton (1321-1361) Poynton Cheshire
- John de Warenne (1343-1387) married Margaret de Stafford (c1345-) Poynton Cheshire
- Nicholas de Warenne (1371-1413) married Agnes de Wynnington (1375-1417) Poynton Cheshire
- Lawrence de Warenne (1394-1444) married Margerey de Bulkeley (1389-1440) PoyntonCheshire
- John de Warenne (1414-1475) married Isabel de Stanley (1435-1460) Poynton Cheshire
- Lawrence Warren (1435-1474) married Isabel Leigh (1440-1475) Poynton Cheshire
- John Warren (1459-1518) married Eleanor Gerard (1467-1542 Poynton Cheshire
- Christopher Warren (1494-1587) married Margaret Ellen Leigh (1510-1575) Devonshire
- William Warren (1532-1559) married Ann Mable (1525-1562) Devonshire
- William Warren (1553-1586) married Margaret Babthorpe (1550-1596) Nottinghamshire
Lineage of French Royalty
... There is no documented confirmation on any genealogy prior to Clovis. History for the Kings of Cologne
- Clovis de Cologne (about 405-445) Clovis, a Ripuarian Frank who was the King of Cologne circa 420 AD. Frankish "kings" at this time were really just local tribal chieftains. Clovis Family History
- Childebert de Cologne (about 425-460) Childebert who was a the King of Cologne circa 450 A.D. (German Tribal Chieftan) Childebert Family History
- Siegbert de Cologne (about 454-509) Siegbert the Lame, King of Cologne (German Tribal Chieftan). Murdered in 509 by his son Cloderik. Siegbert Family History
- Chloderik_der_Franken_(before 491-?) Cloderic (475-509) the Parricide who was briefly the King of Cologne. Cloderic murdered his father in 509, and was himself murdered the same year by Clovis I, the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty. History of Chloderik
- Munderic_der_Franken_(before 531-?) Murideric, Lord of Vitrey who revolted against Thierry I who killed him. Murideric was "very young" in 509 when his father was murdered by Clovis I. History of Munderic - (Dispute Familypedia - Mummolin is not the father of Bodegisel.)
- Bodegisel_II_der_Franken_(before 565-?) Bodegisel II DE AQUITAINE (532-588) - Governor Of Aquitaine (b. Saxony, d. Carthage) History Bodegisel
- Arnulf_of_Metz_(582-640) St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz under the Merovingians
- Ansegisel_(c606-bef679) Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia in 632
- Pepin_of_Herstal_(635-714) Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
- Charles_Martel_(686-741) Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
- Pepin_the_Short_(714-768) First King of the Franks (752–68) of the Carolingian dynasty
- Charlemagne_(747-814) Charlemagne Carolingian, Duke of Bavaria, King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and Holy Roman Emperor
- Pepin_of_Italy_(773-810) King of the Lombards
- Bernard_of_Italy_(797-818) King of the Lombards
- Pepin_de_Vermandois_(about 815-after 848) Carolingian Count of Vermandois
- Herbert_I,_Count_of_Vermandois_(about 848-907) Forcibly took the county of Vermandois from his third cousin Rodulf of Flanders (about 869-896).
- Béatrice_of_Vermandois_(about 880-931), married Robert I, King of West Francia (866-923), King of France
- Hugh the Great (898-956) Duke of Franks and Count of Paris
- Hugh Capet, King of France (about 940-996) 1st French King of the House of Capet. He was a French Nobleman placed in power by Germans and the Pope.
- Robert II, King of France (972-1031) 2nd French King of the House of Capet
- Henry I, King of France (1008-1060) 3rd French King of the House of Capet
- Hugh de Vermandois (1053-1101) French Prince and leader of the First Crusade to capture Jerusalem. Died of wounds in Turkey in the Crusade.
- Elizabeth de Vermandois (about 1081-1131) Married to William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey (1080-1138).
Medieval English Royalty
Hamelin Plantagenet, 5th Earl of Surrey - Grandson of Fulk I, King of Jerusalem (c1090-1143). Descendant of Charlemagne (747-814) - Charlemagne's ancestry goes back to Marcomir der West-Franken (c 43BC).
- Herbert I de Vermandois (c848-907) See #16 on French Royalty Chart above.
- Herbert II de Vermandois (884-943)
- Robert de Vermandois, Count of Meaux (918-968)
- Adele of Meaux (c950-c980) Married to Geoffrey I of Anjou
- Fulk III, Count of Anjou (972-1040)
- Ermengarde of Anjou (c1020-)
- Fulk IV, Count of Anjou (1043-1109)
- Fulk I, King of Jerusalem (c1090-1143) Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, First King of the Crusade Kingdom established in Jerusalem
- Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou and Maine (1113-1151) He became Count of Anjou and Maine in 1128, when his father left France to become king of the Holy Land.
- Hamelin de Warenne, 5th Earl of Surrey (about 1129-1202) Plantganet descendant, married Isabel de Warenne, 4th Countess of Surrey (1130-1202). He was an illegitimate son of Geoffrey of Anjou, and thus a half-brother of King Henry II, and an uncle of Richard the Lionheart and King John.
This history assumes that all Warren Family Lines originated with a family of Norman Knights that resided in an ancient castle on the River Warenne in France and that played a very critical role in assisting William of Normandy with his famous conquest of England for which they were handsomely rewarded. These early Warennes had also intermarried with the highest of French and English aristocracy that provided a ancient bloodline to King Charlemagne.
Vikings & Norman Knights (790-1066).
The Family of Warenne originated from Normandy France. The de Warenne surname derives from the castle of that name on the River Varenne which flows through territory that William acquired in Uper Normandy. Ruins of this old 11th Century castle are found today near Bellencombre, Seine-Maritime. This family is believed to be descendants of Scandinavian Vikings.
The period from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman conquest of England in 1066 is commonly known as the Viking Age of Scandinavian history. Vikings used the Norwegian Sea and Baltic Sea for sea routes to the south. The Normans were descended from Danish and Norwegian Vikings who were given feudal overlordship of areas in northern France — the Duchy of Normandy — in the 10th century. In that respect, descendants of the Vikings continued to have an influence in northern Europe. Likewise, King Harold Godwinson, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, had Danish ancestors.
Ranulf I de Warenne (998-1058), is the earliest documented patriarch of the Warren Family. He was a Norman Knight - lived at Castle de Warenne in France. He had two sons; Rodulf, father of the Warenne Family, and Roger of Mortimer, father of the Mortimer Family. See Ranulf I de Warenne (998-1058)/descendants for the first few generations of his descendants.
Roger received the Mortimer surname for conquering another Norman castle of that name. The grandsons of Ranulf I would later become involved in a dispute over possession of the Mortimer castle, but later reconciled in time to both join William in his conquest of England.
During this time the authority of the French king was very weak, and Normandy saw much intrigue and violence amongst the various landlords.
This political landscaped changed significantly in the year 1066. That was when many of the Norman knights aligned with a fellow named William who had become involved with a dispute with his childess cousin, Edward the Confessor, to inherit the English crown.
This argument climaxed into victory in September of that year when these Norman knights sailed in a large invasion force and did battle at Hastings with Harold Godwinson, who had been named the next king by Edward on the latter's deathbed in January 1066.
The winner of this contest, William the Conqueror, rewarded his fellow knights with vast tracts of English land. It appears that none were rewarded more handsomely than our William de Warenne, who would be titled the 1st Earl of Warenne. This reward indicates that he was a very high ranking lieutenant in the Norman army.
Earls of Warenne (1066-1304)
Lewes Castle - Ancestral Home of the Warenne Family.
William de Warenne, who crossed with William I. in 1066, was a distant cousin of the Conqueror, his grandmother having been the sister of Gunnora, wife of Richard I. of Normandy.
Genealogists have hotly disputed whether or not William de Warenne's wife Gundred, was the daughter of the Conqueror (as alluded to on her gravestone.) However more recent discoveries are leading us to believe that the gravestone description is a bit misleading and actually refers to a more distant family connection.
The Earldom of Surrey was first created in 1088 for William de Warenne, as a reward for loyal service to William during the Conquest. He received the lordship of Reigate Castle in Surrey, but also had holdings in twelve other counties. Perhaps because he held little property in Surrey, the earldom came to be more commonly called of Warenne. It was held by William de Warenne's son and grandson, both also named William, and then by the husbands of Isabella, daughter of the third William de Warenne.
Lewes Castle, the Early English ancestral home of the Warenne Family, stands at the highest point of Lewes, East Sussex, England on an artificial mound constructed with chalk blocks. It was originally called Bray Castle. It was the scene of many historic events in early English history. The first fortification on the site was a wooden keep, later converted to stone. It is unusual for a motte and bailey construction in that it has two mottes. It is one of only two such remaining in the country, the other being Lincoln. The Barbican is a particularly fine example of its type. Today this castle museum is open to visitors. Lewes Castle was built in 1069 by William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey. William de Warenne and his descendants also had estates and built castles in Reigate, Surrey (Reigate Castle) and in Yorkshire (Sandal Castle and Conisbrough Castle).
William and his wife also founded a nearby religious order, Lewes Priory. This place recorded much of the early Warenne family history and also became the burial place for early family members.
The Earls of Warenne were very active in English politics and battles of the time. William de Warenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey (1120-1148) even sailed to Paris to negotiate an English-French treaty and then later died fighting in the Crusades in Asia Minor.
Lewes Castle was the site of the Battle of Lewes in 1264. Here King Henry, supported by John, 7th Earl of Warenne lost the battle to rebel barons and was forced to sign the Mises of Lewes.
When the last of the Warennes John, the 7th Earl died without issue in 1347, he was buried in Lewes Priory. The earldom (of Surrey) then passed to John's nephew, Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel, although he did not assume the title until after the death of the previous earl's widow in 1351. It was also held by his son, who forfeited it upon his execution in 1397.
For more information, see: Gundred Family Documents
See also the Warenne Chronicle - Oxford Medievel Text - publ 2013 by Elizabeth Van Houts and Rosalind Love. (A small portion of which is visible in Google Books)
See also the Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 1 - by Sir Sidney Lee, Sir E. T. Williams, C. S. Nicholls, Robert Blake, Helen M. Palmer, L. G. Wickham Legg, John Regina. pg 1367-68.
Warenne, Earls of Surrey and Sussex
- Ranulf I de Warenne (998-1058) x Castle Warenne, Norman France Castle Warenne,
- Norman France Norman Knight - lived at Castle de Warenne in France. He had two sons; Rodulf, father of the Warenne Family and Roger of Mortimer, father of the Mortimer Family.
- Rodulf II de Warenne (1030-1074) x Castle Warenne, Norman France Castle Warenne, Norman France Norman Knight
- William de Warenne (1045-1088) 1st Earl of Surrey married Matilda, daughter of William Conqueror Castle Warenne,Norman France
- Trusted officer in the Norman army of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, received many great England landholdings for his service.
- William de Warenne (1080-1138) 2nd Earl of Surrey married Elizabeth de Vermandois, Granddaughter of Henry I, King of France (French Royal Line).
- William de Warenne (1120-1148) 3rd Earl of Surrey wife unknown Lewes Castle Sussex Asia English Crusader knight that died on the 2nd Crusade in Asia Minor.
- Isabel de Warenne (1130-1202) 4th Countess of Surrey Hamelin Plantagenet, descendant of Charlemagne (747-814) and early French Royal lineage dating back to the time of Christ.
- William de Warenne (1166-1240) 5th Earl of Surrey married Maud Marshal (1192-1248) Lewes Castle, Loyal supporter of King John of England in staving off revolts by the barons and encouraged him to sign the Magna Carta.
- John de Warenne (1231-1304), 6th Earl of Surrey married Alice de Lusignan (1224-1256) Lewes Castle. John was prominent during the reigns of Henry III and Edward I. During his long life he fought in the Second Barons' War and in Edward I's wars in Scotland. The king appointed Warenne captain of the campaign against the Scots in early 1298. He raised the siege of Roxburgh and re-took the castle at Berwick.
- William de Warenne (1256-1286 married Joane de Vere (c1261-) Lewes Castle. Died young at a jousting tournament accident.
- John de Warenne (1286-1347) 7th Earl of Surrey married Joan of Bar (1297-1361), Grandaughter of Edward I of England (1239-1307 (No Issue) Lewes Castle, Last Warenne Earl of Surrey, ally of Edward II of England (1284-1327).
Poynton is a town in Cheshire, England, on the easternmost fringe of the Cheshire Plain 11 miles (18 km) southeast of Manchester, 7 miles (11 km) north of Macclesfield, and 5 miles (8 km) south of Stockport. In 2011, it had a population of 14,260.[1]
Poynton was first settled by the Anglo-Saxons. From the Late Middle Ages, coal was mined and the collieries, under the ownership of the Lords Vernon from 1832 until their closure in 1935, were the largest in Cheshire. Consequent urbanisation and socioeconomic development necessitated better transport links; these came with the completion of the Macclesfield Canal through Poynton in 1831 and the arrival of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway in 1845 and the Macclesfield, Bollington and Marple Railway in 1869. In the late 20th century, Poynton became a commuter town for Manchester.
This family owned several manorial properties for many generations including Stockport Castle and Poynton Lodge Manor Home.
- John de Warenne (1286-1347) 7th Earl of Surrey married Joan of Bar (1297-1361) Lewes Castle, Last Warenne Earl of Surrey, ally of Edward II of England (1284-1327).
- Edward de Warenne (1320-1369) married Cicely de Eaton (1321-1361) PoyntonCheshire
- John de Warenne (1343-1387) married Margaret de Stafford (c1345-) Poynton Cheshire
- Nicholas de Warenne (1371-1413) married Agnes de Wynnington (1375-1417) Poynton Cheshire
- Lawrence de Warenne (1394-1444) married Margerey de Bulkeley (1389-1440) Poynton Cheshire
- John de Warenne (1414-1475) married Isabel de Stanley (1435-1460) Poynton Cheshire
- Lawrence Warren (1435-1474) married Isabel Leigh (1440-1475) Poynton Cheshire
- John Warren (1459-1518) married Eleanor Gerard (1467-1542) Poynton Cheshire
- Laurence de Warren (1476-1531) married Margaret Leigh (1479-1545) Poynton Cheshire
Lineage of French Royalty, the House of Capet
William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey (1080-1138), who was an English Knight married to Elizabeth de Vermandois of French Royalty including The Emporer Charlegmagne.
- ... There is no documented confirmation on any genealogy prior to Clovis. History for the Kings of Cologne.
- Clovis de Cologne (about 405-445) Clovis, a Ripuarian Frank who was the King of Cologne circa 420 AD. Frankish "kings" at this time were really just local tribal chieftains. Clovis Family History.
- Childebert de Cologne (about 425-460) Childebert who was a the King of Cologne circa 450 A.D. (German Tribal Chieftan).
- Siegbert de Cologne (about 454-509) Siegbert the Lame, King of Cologne (German Tribal Chieftan). Murdered in 509 by his son Cloderik.
- Chloderik_der_Franken_(before 491-?) Cloderic (475-509) the Parricide who was briefly the King of Cologne. Cloderic murdered his father in 509, and was himself murdered the same year by Clovis I, the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty.
- Munderic_der_Franken_(before 531-?) Murideric, Lord of Vitrey who revolted against Thierry I who killed him. Murideric was "very young" in 509 when his father was murdered by Clovis I. History of Munderic.
- Bodegisel II der Franken (before 565-?) Bodegisel II DE AQUITAINE (532-588) - Governor Of Aquitaine (b. Saxony, d. Carthage) History Bodegisel
- Arnulf of Metz (582-640) St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz under the Merovingians
- Ansegisel (about 606-before 679) Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia in 632
- Pepin of Herstal (635-714) Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
- Charles Martel (686-741) Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
- Pepin the Short (714-768) First King of the Franks (752–68) of the Carolingian dynasty
- Charlemagne (747-814) Charlemagne Carolingian, Duke of Bavaria, King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and Holy Roman Emperor
- Pepin of Italy (773-810) King of the Lombards
- Bernard of Italy (797-818) King of the Lombards
- Pepin de Vermandois_(about 815-after 848) Carolingian Count of Vermandois
- Herbert I, Count of Vermandois (about 848-907) Forcibly took the county of Vermandois from his third cousin Rodulf of Flanders (about 869-896).
- Béatrice of Vermandois (about 880-931) m. Robert I, King of West Francia (866-923), King of France
- Hugh the Great (898-956) Duke of Franks and Count of Paris
- Hugh Capet, King of France (about 940-996) 1st French King of the House of Capet. He was a French Nobleman placed in power by Germans and the Pope.
- Robert II, King of France (972-1031) 2nd French King of the House of Capet
- Henry I, King of France (1008-1060) 3rd French King of the House of Capet
- Hugh de Vermandois (1053-1101) French Prince and leader of the First Crusade to capture Jerusalem. Died of wounds in Turkey in the Crusade.
- Elizabeth de Vermandois (about 1081-1131) Married to William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey (1080-1138) who is #4 on the Warenne Family Lineage
Hamelin Plategenet, 5th Earl of Surrey is the Grandson of Fulk I, King of Jerusalem (c1090-1143), who is a descendant of Charlemagne (747-814)and Charlemagne's ancestry goes back to Marcomir der West-Franken (c 43BC).
- Herbert I de Vermandois (c848-907)
- Herbert II de Vermandois (884-943)
- Robert de Vermandois, Count of Meaux (918-968)
- Adele of Meaux (about 950-about 980) Married to Geoffrey I of Anjou
- Fulk III, Count of Anjou (972-1040)
- Ermengarde of Anjou (about 1020-)
- Fulk IV, Count of Anjou (1043-1109)
- Fulk I, King of Jerusalem (about 1090-1143) Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, First King of the Crusade Kingdom established in Jerusalem
- Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou and Maine (1113-1151) He became Count of Anjou and Maine in 1128, when his father left France to become king of the Holy Land.
- Hamelin de Warenne, 5th Earl of Surrey (about 1129-1202) Plantganet descendant, married Isabel de Warenne, 4th Countess of Surrey (1130-1202). He was an illegitimate son of Geoffrey of Anjou, and thus a half-brother of King Henry II, and an uncle of Richard the Lionheart and King John.
George Washington - Descendancy by Roger Mortimer
George Washington - Descendancy by William de Warenne and Hamelin Plantagenet who had a daughter that married John I, King of England.
Research Notes
- Medieval Warenne Families
- William de Warenne - disamibiguation
- Griffen Warren - disambiguation
- John Warren - Baron of Stopfords - GENI link main line to 7th Earl.
- Griffen Warren (about 1355-) - Old Line - Needs Redirect to Shropshire Warrens)
- John Warren (1280-1356) - Part of the illegitimate Shropshire Warrens (descendants of Ranulf IV)
- John Warren (1430-1463) - Start point of Shropshire Warrens (breakaway from Robert Warren (1485-1544).
- Robert Warren (1485-1544) - Start Point - first of Nayland Estate Warren's with "Will".
- References for Warenne Family History
- - Warren Family History from Bigelow Family Society.
- - Edmund Rice 1638 Association - Family Genealogical Database and research. - His Ancestors and Descendants.
- The Generations of the Warren Family
- The New England historical and genealogical register - Volume 64 - Page 353-360. Summarizes the Generations of Robert Warren to John Warren in medieval England.
Source: FamilyPedia